Reducing Plastic Waste

Every child deserves clean drinking water.

KCS is working to reduce single-use plastic bottles by installing filtered water refill stations in local schools. This initiative, driven by a collaboration between KCS Executive Director Candee Ellsworth and a local high school student, aims to improve health and reduce plastic waste in the community.

The project has already seen installations at several schools, with plans for more throughout West Hawai‘i​!

Identify and Assess Needs

Installation of Refill Stations

Education & Community Engagement

Making an Impact

Keahole Center for Sustainability donating and installing filtered water refill stations this weekend at several local schools in and just outside Lahaina, Maui. Local schools sheltered and fed hundreds right after the fire for days before help arrived. Now, they have taken in hundreds of extra students from schools that were destroyed. Access to clean water is so important right now after the aftermath. These stations have seven filters and even alkalize and add electrolytes at the end.

Access Clean Drinking Water for Your School


Holualoa Elementary

Waimea Elementary School

Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School

Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy-Student union

Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy-Sports complex

Kealakehe High School

Parker School-Upper campus

Parker School-Lower campus

Maui Prep

Sacred Heart 

Join the Movement

At the Keahole Center for Sustainability, we prioritize helping keep our keiki and environment healthy by eliminating single use plastics and providing the safest, cleanest drinking water available. The FloWater Refill Stations transform ordinary tap water into pure, refreshing water that is free from contaminants and toxins

Your generosity makes a difference! Every $7,000 donated allows us to serve one school and provide vital resources for more than 500 keiki to receive clean water.

Donate today to our 501(c)(3) organization and be a part of a healthier Hawai‘i!